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once upon a time

an adventure began... 


“To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited. You soul and spirit are stretched – along with your body – making pregnancy a time of transition, growth, and profound beginnings.”


– Anne Christian Buchanan

You can read books, study up on articles, or ask your friends and family, but no one can really tell you what it's like to hold your baby for the first time. 


In the wake, leading up to this momentous  event, your little bundle of joy has taken quite a toll on your body. Stretch marks, raw nipples, dueling breast pumps, not to mention hair, skin, nails suddenly becoming your enemy.  Literally, every part of your body, without any conscious effort has been tweaked to accommodate motherhood!  And, yet as "Lin Yutang" has profoundly stated --


“Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.” 



Holding Newborn

“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.”


Elizabeth Stone

baby things

The never ending story! 

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I'll have a bottle of the house white - please! 

Bathing your baby can be a fun and relaxing experience for both of you. Find everything you need from bathtubs and supports to bath toys, towels and washcloth sets, shampoos, combs, and more! Discover our bathroom products in fun and friendly colors that your child will love! 

Nursery Decor

Rolling a ball or dressing in a costume—teach kids firsthand about problem-solving, cause and effect, creative thinking, communication, and proprioception (awareness of the body in space). They also encourage the development of fine and gross motor skills

It's never too early to appreciate good design,  which is why we're making a case for decorating the nursery with some fabulous designer ideas in mind. The nursery is your baby's first home. And the space that welcomes them into the world should boast an inviting, calming, and fun atmosphere full of wonder. Of course, your baby's room also needs to be functional and comfortable for everyone who uses it.


Furniture is expensive, even for the tiniest member.  An important aspect of your selection is versatility.  Especially, if you are thinking adding to the family again and again, What's fun is we  are now so open to choosing richer colors like hunter green, navy blue, black for both girls and boys.  It's really limitless.  I loved decorating children's rooms when I was a decorator.  However, stick to decorating a nursery but not don't tackle other rooms while pregnant - you don't want a kitchen to look like a nursery with pots and pans.  Nesting does strange things to mothers !  

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It's a Baby Shower  - you're invited!  There are no rules, except for the one.  There must be cake!  


When I say -- no rules -- the shower, should you choose to have one or not , has no limitations :  registry, thematic,  before birth or after, open presents or not ... etc.  The whole idea is not to stress. Decide your venue  and pass the nitty - gritty off to someone else.  


It's always fun to ask the guests to write a helpful note to the new mother - after all they will  undoubtedly want to put their 2 cents in anyway. 

“We have a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.”


Laura Stavoe Harm



Basically, it's whatever you feel comfortable in doing.  I have attended showers where the mother requested no wrapping paper (environmental) and the gifts were presented on a table for viewing with the cards.  It was actually fun as we got to play games instead of awwwwing over a receiving blanket.  It is pretty boring watching someone open all the gifts.  


So,  you can open, you can open later or just have them on display.  It's up to you.  The main thing is to send thank-you notes as soon as possible after the shower - over 2 months gets tacky.  


Also, the gifts don't have to focus on baby - they can be for the mother-to-be.   I like diamonds but a new fluffy housecoat, hospital set, a new diaper bag disguised as a purse , even a trip to the spa for an afternoon.  Use your imagination and have fun - the adventure is about to begin! 


I  d e a s 

from within



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